805 770-5460 [email protected]

 Drug Crimes Arrest and Offense Santa Barbara Information

Call Drug Crimes Lawyer Meghan Behrens Today For Help at 805 770-5460

drug crimes attorney lawyer santa barbara carpinteriaIn California, it is a misdemeanor offense to be in possession of heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. It is also a misdemeanor offense to be under the influence of these drugs. However, there are several programs offered through the Santa Barbara County courts that will result in a dismissal of all possession or under the influence charges. Call Meghan today to learn if you are eligible to participate in Prop 36, PC1000 diversion, or SATC. These treatment courts save lives every day.

It is a felony to possess heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine for the purpose of selling. It is also a felony to sell these drugs. However, these charges can be defended. Call an experienced lawyer today to discuss the facts of your case and determine what defenses are applicable to your case.

In General, What is Legal and Illegal Regarding Possession of Marijuana?

The legalization of marijuana in California makes it: 

  • Legal to possess less than 28.5 grams of marijuana.
  • Legal to possess less than 4 grams of concentrated cannabis.
  • Illegal to possess amounts greater than noted above
  • Illegal to possess marijuana or concentrated cannabis if you are under the age of 21.
  • Illegal to possess marijuana on the grounds of K-12 schools while the school is in session.

drug addition lawyer santa barbara caThere Is Help Available If You Might Be or Are Addicted to Drugs

Are you or your child an addict in need of help? Drug addiction does not have to be forever, there is help. Come talk to Meghan to learn about the many options available to you or your child. Drug addiction is scary. The good news is it can stop.

Prior to moving into private practice, Meghan was a Deputy Public Defender in Santa Barbara and spent three years supervising the treatment court in Santa Barbara. She can answer all your questions about how to get you or your child off drugs and back to a healthy lifestyle.

Meghan is here to help you now.
Call her for a free consultation today at 805 770-5460

Contact Attorney Meghan Behrens Today and Start Getting Your Life Back

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