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Lawyer For Underage Student UCSB –  Criminal Defense UCSB

Call Meghan Behrens For Help Today – 805 770-5460

criminal defense UCSB attorneyHas your college-age child been arrested for an alcohol crime or other criminal violations in IV, Goleta or Santa Barbara? If so, it’s important that you reach out to an experienced Santa Barbara area lawyer to address your child’s needs.

Meghan has successfully handled hundreds of cases involving the arrest of underage students at UCSB, SBCC and other Santa Barbara area schools. She can walk you and your child through the criminal justice process with understanding and compassion.

Isla Vista is a magnet for many different types of arrests. With its close proximity to UCSB and SBCC, Isla Vista is a popular destination for college students as well as students visiting the small town. With its condensed housing, it’s no surprise that kids find themselves in difficult situations. On the weekends, there are parties serving alcohol to minors up and down the popular street, Del Playa. Each weekend sees multiple arrests for battery, DUI, theft, underage drinking, and drug possession.

It’s important that you and your child understand the serious implications of alcohol-related convictions and how to avoid them. If your child is under-21, alcohol-related convictions will suspend your child’s driving privilege for one-year. Call Meghan to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Will An Arrest End My Child’s UCSB College Career?

An arrest doesn’t have to end your child’s college career. Many of these arrests are not meritorious, but merely an effort by law enforcement to tamp down on parties and underage drinking.

Your child may have been illegally targeted. It is very common for law enforcement to make illegal searches and seizures of people, apartments, and vehicles. Call Meghan today to learn what your child’s rights are in the event he or she has been arrested.

You don’t have to feel helpless. Through proper advocacy, you and your child can move past this difficult time.

Let Meghan help. Call 805 770-5460

Criminal Cases Managed

Get help for your child today.

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